
Doma Daycare provides initial education and training for in-home daycare providers to become licensed and certified. Once a provider is up and running, we provide continual and ongoing support to providers with updates on the latest laws, regulations, and also guidance on how to run the daycare.

Doma Daycare also handles the curriculum for daycare centers. Through our proprietary Sunbeam Boxes, Doma Daycare providers can receive a monthly box with lessons, games, and other activities. The homeowners do not have to worry about lesson planning or activities because we have it all ready for you.

Here’s a message from our Director of Curriculum, Lindsay:

Hi there! I’m Lindsay Faller, creator of The Sunbeam Box and the Curriculum Director of DOMA Daycare. I wanted to tell you a bit about myself and express my appreciation for sharing The Sunbeam Box with your daycare classroom.

I have a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education from Arizona State University. I’ve taught third grade and summer school remedial kindergarten. Both had their challenges, but both were positive experiences. I also spent over eight years substitute teaching where I had the frequent opportunity to teach my own children in their classrooms. I have had a passion for teaching and education since I was a little girl, and knew that a profession in the education realm was in my future. So much of a passion, in fact, that I spent summers as a teenager tutoring and holding learning camps at my home. I even got my first overhead projector when I was ten! 

I love to learn new things and I love to create curriculum! I strive to make learning enjoyable and memorable for kids. Younger children are incredibly thirsty for knowledge and the key is making it FUN as we introduce or revisit concepts! Being able to create activities and resources that are hands-on and interactive for little ones brings me great joy. I want children to be fascinated with all the new information they take in through the early years. Here at The Sunbeam Box, I strive to design and prepare materials that add a spark to a young child’s education, while decreasing the time you need to plan and prepare as the teacher. 

When I’m not creating classroom resources for you, I enjoy time with my husband and being home with my four kids—17, 15, 13, and 11.

Lighting up Little Minds…together,

– Lindsay Faller @ The Sunbeam Box 

Doma Day Care, LLC in Arizona is not a daycare provider. Doma Day Care assist homeowners to become daycare providers in their respective states. Doma Day Care does not provide legal advice. Not all applicants will qualify to become a daycare provider in their respective states. Doma Day Care also chooses which daycare providers to work with, so no guarantee is made that an applicant will be selected. No personal information other than a phone number, address, and e-mail is contained on this website. Payment processing is managed through ProCare Solutions and we do not retain payment information.

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